It's How You Learn - Not What You Know

They are all good at what they do. With training and experience, these stars have become masters of what it is they do. Whatever IT is, IT is done well. Now you want to reward them with a move to management to supervise and mentor other stars.

Why is it that some people can make the leap from being the “doer” of the work to the leader of the other doers and some can’t? The answer lies in the prefontal cortex of their brain - the part directly behind the forehead - the centre of reasoning, problem solving, personality, social interactions and planning.

Findings published in the August issue of Personality and Social Psychology showed that those who do exceptionally well on tests assessing thinking skills of the prefontal cortex consistently obtain high ratings of managerial competence from their supervisors.

Good executive function allows people to manipulate many ideas simultaneously, plan for the future, avoid impulsive actions and to react thoughtfully to novel situations, according to researchers from three major Canadian and US universities.

We include an evaluation of thinking style in the HiringSmartÔ Process by using the Profile XTÔ. It gives insight into the potential Executive Function of the candidate, and becomes a tool that enhances a person’s ability to work with each member of the oganization.

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